Grâce à cet atelier, vous serez capable d’interagir dans les activités du quotidien, d’envisager des études universitaires, et même de s’engager dans une vie professionnelle.  Au programme: – Améliorer la rédaction des écrits argumentés – Améliorer la rédaction de courriers formels et informels – Enrichir le vocabulaire à l’écrit – Renforcer la maitrise de l’orthographe

Thanks to this workshop, you will be able to interact in daily activities, to consider university studies, and even to engage in a professional life. You will become independent in writing but also in a more academic or literary context.

The “Written Expression” workshop allows students to become independent in writing in most everyday situations but also in a more academic or literary context.

In the program:
– Improve the writing of the argued writings
– Improve the writing of formal and informal letters
– Enrich vocabulary in writing
– Strengthen mastery of spelling