FEBRUARY 2025 – COMPLETE beginners Session


NEW COMPLETE BEGINNERS SESSION !  EDAM PARIS opens once again a complete beginners session later this month for foreign students through 3 hours of courses per day ! These courses will be given directly at our school during the weekdays. Start date:  17/02/2025 End date: 14/03/2025 Cost: 680€ for the full 4 weeks of courses Frequency: Every day from Monday to Friday Schedule: from 10:00 → 11:30 in the morning and from 12:30 → 14:00 in the afternoon Address : 15 rue de l’Arsenal, 75004 PARIS Level: COMPLETE BEGINNERS (never learned French before) General program: Intro ...

Nos locaux


EDAM Change de locaux ! Eh oui ! Au revoir nos bonnes vieilles salles Mouffetard et Panthéon ! Le lundi 4 octobre 2021 marque une date importante pour notre établissement, car nous avons officiellement ouvert les portes de notre nouveau campus. Emplacement Exceptionnel : L’École au Cœur de la Ville Notre école est idéalement située à proximité du quartier du Marais, l’un des quartiers les plus emblématiques et animés de la ville. Cette proximité permet à nos étudiants et enseignants de profiter de l’effervescence culturelle du Marais, avec ses musées, galeries d ...

새로운 프로그램, 주 15시간 프로그램 편성


새로운 프로그램 주 15시간 출시! 에담 파리는 이번에 새로운 프로그램을 개설했습니다! 바로 기존의 문의가 많았던, 주 15시간 프로그램입니다. 기존에 있었던 주 20시간 Intensive Courses 와 주 10시간 Extensive Courses 를 이어 새로 생긴 주 15시간 프로그램 입니다. 기존의 Intensive Courses 와 Extensive Courses 는 오전 9시30분부터 11시30분까지 Français général 수업을 진행했습니다. 혹시 오전의 스케줄이 있으신 분들에게는 평일 오후부터 진행되는 주 15시간 프로그램을 적극 추천드립니다. 또한, 학생비자의 요구 사항인 최저 시간인 주 15시간을 충족하여, 비자를 발급하는 데에도 아무런 문제가 없는 프로그램입니다. *주 15시간 시간표 (평일 월요일~금요일) -12시30분~14시30분 : Ateliers -15시00분~16시00분 : Français Général Ateliers 수업은 주로 Delf/Dalf 준비 수업, Expression écrite, Culture, Grammaire 과 Conversation 수업을 매 수업 테마를 바꿔가며 ...

Complete Beginners Session – EDAM PARIS


NEW COMPLETE BEGINNERS SESSION !  EDAM PARIS opens once again a complete beginners session later this month for foreign students through 3 hours of courses per day ! These courses will be given directly at our school during the weekdays. Start date:  30/09/2024 End date: 25/10/2024 Cost: 680€ for the full 4 weeks of courses Frequency: Every day from Monday to Friday Schedule: from 10:00 → 11:30 in the morning and from 12:30 → 14:00 in the afternoon Address : 15 rue de l’Arsenal, 75004 PARIS Level: COMPLETE BEGINNERS (never learned French before) General program: Intro ...

Evening courses – October 2024 – EDAM PARIS


EDAM LAUNCHES ITS EVENING CLASSES! EDAM PARIS reopens its doors for evening courses ALL LEVELS, in fact you will be able to benefit from French courses for beginners and intermediates from mid-October 2024. These courses will be taught face-to-face directly in our establishment by a native teacher who will listen to you and above all be able to give you all the attention necessary to help you progress! Start date: 14/10/2024 End date: 20/12/2024 Cost: €450 for 10 weeks of courses Frequency: 2 times a week, either Monday and Wednesday or Tuesday and Thursday. Hours: 7:00 p.m ...

10 year anniversary – EDAM PARIS


CELEBRATE OUR 10th ANNIVERSARY WITH US ! EDAM Paris has been steadily growing since 2014 in Paris, welcoming students from all across the world. Through giving French courses every week to helping individual students finding accomodation, helping them with their French administrative processes and future professional life. We indeed accompany our students in order to prepare their arrival, their stay and their start in the French professional world. We have put in place several workshops in the afternoons for our students to make preparations regarding their accomodation, t ...

Bank partnership – Caisse d’Épargne


EDAM PARIS is proud to announce their partnership with the CAISSE D’ÉPARGNE ! Direct link to personalized offers here :  https://campus-ceidf.fr/ Indicated fields :  – Name – Surname – Emai address – Phone number – School’s name (EDAM PARIS) Available services :  – VISA Bank card and all its essential services – Student Loan with preferential rates – Welcome gifts Scan this QR code below for more details : Procedure for students: – Click on the URL link or scan the QR code present on the communication media & ...



New training preparation for DELF / DALF exam ! EDAM Paris opens up its doors to people wishing to succeed at their DELF A or DALF B1 exams ! Beware, this is a TRAINING, not the official exam ! Start date : 15th APRIL 2024 (15/04/2024) EDAM Paris is offering 2 trainings : From Monday to Friday From 12:30 to 14:30 and then from 15:00 to 17:00. DELF A training : 6 weeks (120 hours) 20 hours per week Price : 760€ DALF B1 training : 8 weeks (160 hours) 20 hours per week Price : 980€ In order to follow the training, you will need to buy the following manual(s) Manuel 100% réussi ...

Complete beginners courses – 06/05/2024


Welcome to EDAM Paris, Are you in need of Complete beginners (A1.1) French courses in Paris ? EDAM CAN HELP !  Course schedule details : from 06/05/2024 to 05/06/2024 Details : 15 hours per week. 3 hours per day from 12:30 → 14:00 and then from 15h00 → 16h30 From Monday to Friday In-person directly at our school near Bastille, PARIS. Small class of maximum 10 students. Price of 680€ total for 4 weeks (national holidays postponed). If you’re interested, don’t hesitate to send us an e-mail at : info@edamparis.com or register directly through this link : REGISTER H ...

Explicative guide to DELF / DALF / TCF


The different exam tests The DELF is an international certification in French as a foreign language (FLE) which certifies an elementary or survival level in the French language. The acronym DELF means “Diploma of Studies in French Language”. It is issued by the French Ministry of National Education, Higher Education and Research, and is valid for life. ...